West Java
Traditioinal Food:
The province of West Java has a variety of traditional foods. Some of which, are listed below.
Lalapan: This is one food found in West Java.This foodis eaten by the Sundanese, tribe from West Java. The ingredients are raw vegetables, which can otherwise be boiled. The vegetables used include cucumbers, spinach, and ‘buncis’ which is a kind of bean. One way of eating lalapan is with ‘bumbu kacang’, which islike a sauce made of peanuts that adds taste to the vegetables.
Timbel: This is dish consistsof nasi timbel, lalapan, sambal dadak, chicken, fried beancurd, fried tempe, a piece of jambal and sometimes gepuk.
Nasi timbel, is rice that issteamed while wrapped in a banana leaf. Sambal dadak is a chili that the Sundanese eat. It is made from chili grinded with other ingredients. The chicken, is fried or roasted in the Sundanese stlye. Jambal is salted fish, and finally, gepuk is slices of beef mixed with herbs and fried.
Pepes: The main ingredient of this food is usually fish. The fish is mixed with crushed herbs and wrapped in a banana leaf. Once wrapped, the food is steamed. The pepes is then eaeten by unwrapping the leaf.
Dodongkal: Dodongkal is a kind of pastry eaten in West Java. This food is considered quite rare as it is not so easy to find even in West Java, moreover in other parts of Indonesia. This food is made from cornflour with brown sugar inside. It is then sprinkled with coconut shavings, wrapped in a banana leaf and then steamed.
Roger.“The Specialty Foods of Bandung: West Java”whyGo INDONESIA2010.2
August, 2010
BERSAMAn.d.2 August, 2010
Tour Kuliner.“Dodongkal”Tour Kulinern.d.2 August, 2010
PRLog (Press Realise).“Lalapan : Penyajian Sayuran Tradisi Sunda”PRLog: Free
Press Realisen.d.2 August, 2010
BERSAMAn.d.2 August, 2010
Tour Kuliner.“Dodongkal”Tour Kulinern.d.2 August, 2010
Traditional Songs:
Some of the traditional songs fromWest Java are Bubuy Bulan, CingCangkeling, Manuk Dadali, Panon Hideung, Pileuleuyan and Tokecang. Here is the lyric of the song, Cing Cangkeling:
Kleung denklek buah kopi raring geuyan
Keun anu dewek ulah pati diheureuyang
Cing cangkeling manuk cingkleung cindeten
Plos kakolong bapak satar buleneng
godam64.“Cing Cangkeling – Sunda Provinsi Jawa Barat ::: Lirik Lagu Dearah
Musik Nasional Tradisional Indonesia”Organisasi.org: Komunitas & Perpustakaan Online Indonesia2005-2010.2 August, 2010
Traditional Dances:
Traditional Dances from West Java include Jaipongan, Sisingaan, Reog, Ketuk Tilu, Debus, Kuda Lumping, Banjet, Tari Merak, Tari Topeng Kuncaran, and Tari Patilaras. A famous dance from those listed above in Kuda Lumping. In this dance the most important piece or prop used is the fake horse made of plated bamboo, which the dancers pretend to ride on. This dance is very unique because it seems as if the dancers have supernatural powers. Some of the stunts or attractions that are performed during thisdance include eating gl
ass, and peeling coconut fiber with their teeth. The dancers may also do astunt where they fill their mouth with gasoline and then, holding a thin piece of iron which is aglow, the dancers will then spray the gasoline onto the small fire on the tip of the iron.The dancers alsodo things such as rolling on the ground and jumping up and down. The musical instruments that are played during this performance include: gong, kenong, gendang, sompret and such.
Editorial Staff of Explore Indonesia.“KUDA LUMPING: Kesenian Tradisional
Indonesia Bernuansa Magis”Explore Indonesia2008.2 August, 2010
‘Provinsi Jawa Barat’ fact sheet
Editorial Staff of Explore Indonesia.“KUDA LUMPING: Kesenian Tradisional
Indonesia Bernuansa Magis”Explore Indonesia2008.2 August, 2010
Traditional Musical Instruments:
Musical Instruments found in the province are anklung, dog-dog, gamelan Sunda, rebab, kecapi and calung. Angklung, is an instrument made of bamboo. Dog-dog is a type of drum. Gamelan Sunda, is a kind of musical instrument which, would be closest to a xylophone in the Western world. The instrument known as rebab, is a string instrument. Kecapi, is also a string instrument that is played by pricking(check) the strings. The strings are arranged from short to long or the other way around. The resonation tube is a wooden box. The instrument known as calung, is made of a row of round bamboo pieces.
‘Provinsi Jawa Barat’ fact sheet
Traditional House:
The name of the traditional house of West Java is Kesepuhan. An example of this house is Keraton Kesepuhan in Cirebon. There is also a replica of Keraton Kesepuhanat Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The real Keraton Kesepuhan has a gate in front of it.
Inside, it is made up of 4 rooms. One of the rooms is ‘Jinem’ room that is for the guards. Then there is the ‘Pringgodeni’ room where the Sultan gives orders to another official. There is also a room where thespecial guests of the Sultan are greeted known as ‘Prabayasa’. The final room is the Sultan’s work room as well as where he rests known as ‘Panembahan’ room.
Gunadarma University.“Kebanggaan bansa Indonesia di pandang dari sudut rumah
adat”Warta Warga: Student Journalism2007.2 August, 2010
‘Provinsi Jawa Barat’ fact sheet
tmii.“Anjungan Daerah”Taman Mini “Indonesia Indah”2006-2009,4 August 2010
Traditional Clothes:
The traditional clothes of the West Javanese people differ according to their place in society.
For normal civilians, they wear:
Men: The men wore pants known as ‘komprang or pangsi’, a belt, and clothes known as ‘kampret or slantreng’. On their heads they would wear what is known as ‘iket lohen’ and they also have a cloth known as ‘sarung poleng’, which is used as a sash. For their footwear, the men wore sandals called ‘tarumpah’.
Women: Women wear a long batik cloth called ‘sinjang kebat’, either ‘beubeur or angkin’ belt, a camisole known as ‘kutang’, a ‘kebaya’ (Javanese blouse) and a batik shawl. For the women, the hair is done up in a small bun, this way of doing up the hair is known as ‘gelung jucung’. The accessories worn are a bracelet called ‘geulang akar bahar’, a round earing from gold and silver called ‘suweng pelenis’, a pale ring from silver or gilded with gold known as ‘ali meneng’. Finally, for footwear they wear sandals known as ‘sendal jepit’ or ‘sendal keteplek’.
The middle class people wear:
Men: The men wear a white top known as ‘baju bedahan’, a bundle of batik cloth, a belt, and a headband. Their foot wear is a sandal called ‘tarumpah’. Accessories they wear is a watch with a gold chain that is hanged from the shirt pocket, this is used as a complement to the outfit.
Women: They wear a bundle of batik cloth with a variety of patterns as far as the ankle, a ‘beubeur’ belt, a ‘kebaya’ (Javanese blouse) of different colours, a coloured shawl, and slippers or ‘kelom geulis’. They may also do up theirhair up in a bun, wear earrings, a necklace, bracelet, and a ring of gold or silver.
The upper class people wear:
Men: The men of this class have two options.
The first is using a suite from black velvet embroidered with gold string at the edges and edge of the sleeves as wide as 2.5cm. The next part of this outfit is long pants, again of black velvet with embroidery and a gold hem around the edge of thebottom of the pants. They also wear a cloth with seven to nine folds on the right edge as wide as 6cm. This cloth is known as ‘dodot’ with a motive called ‘rereng parang rusak’. They also wear a belt or ‘benten’ that is gold, which is used to fasten or tighten other cloth. Then they wear something called ‘bendo’ with the same motive as ‘dodot’ as a head covering. Finally, they wear a sort of sock and shoe or slippers as footwear.
The second option is to use a black suite, batik cloth with a ‘rereng’ motive that is sort of bundled, a head covering known as ‘bendo’ also with ‘rereng’ motive, a belt, a watch with a chain as an accessory and black shoes or slippers.
Women: The upper class women wear a ‘kebaya’ (Javanese blouse) from black velvet with gold embroidery on the whole front side all the way to the neck. The embroidery circles the part of the hips on the ‘kebaya’ and is around the wrist of the hand. They once again also use a sort of bundle of cloth using the ‘rereng’ motive. For footwear they use shoes or black velvet slippers with gold embroidery or sequences. Some complements to the outfit would be to have the hair done up in a neat bun with a gold ‘tusuk konde’ (a sort of hairpin or stick used to keep hair done up in a bun), earrrings, a bracelet known as ‘keroncong’, a ring, necklace, a sort of pin or brooch chain, and a brooch. All the jewelry is made from gold and adorned with precious stones.
Balai Pengelolaan Anjungan Jawa Barat Taman Mini “Indonesia Indah”.“Busana
Khas”Pusat Informasi dan Promosi Pariwisata dan Budaya Jawa Baratn.d.4 August, 2010
Indonesia Expedition.“West Java”Indonesia Expidition2007.5 August, 2010
Traditional Weapons:
Some traditional weapons of West Java include keris kirompang, keris kidongkol, golok, bedok, panah bambu, panah kayu, tombak and kujang. Kujang, is a traditional weapon like a knife with 1-5 holes at its eye. The pocket that the kujang is kept in is made of black cloth. Panah bambu and panah kayu simply mean an arrow made from bamboo and an arrow made from wood. While tombak means spear.
‘Provinsi Jawa Barat’ fact sheet
The climate of West Java is tropical just as the rest of Indonesia. On Mt. Pangrango, the temperature can reach 9°C at its peak. On the other hand, the temperature can reach 34°C on its north beach. West Java receives quite a huge amount of rainfall. Each year, it receives an average of 2,000ml of rainfall, and in the mountains, the rainfall can reach 3,000 to 5,000ml each year.
indonesia-tourism.“westjava: Unique Heritage and Culture”Indonesia: lets go
archipelago2006.3 August, 2010
Geography & Topography:
The geography of West Java includes that on its north, it meets with the Java sea and Jakarta, on its west with the province of Banten and the ‘Selat Sunda’ or the Sunda Strait. On its south is the Indian Ocean and on its east, is the province of Central Java.In the north, the land is plain area and inthe south it is made of hills and
beaches. Right in the middle of this is mountainous area. The topography of West Java is made of mountains in the south of over 1,500m above sea level, hills of 100-1500m and plains with 0-10m of elevation in the north. West Java is also made of a river region and is part for a volcanic belt from Sumatra to Sulawesi. West Java is around 35,746.26km2.
indonesia-tourism.“westjava: Unique Heritage and Culture”Indonesia: lets go
archipelago2006.3 August, 2010
mapsoft.net.“Java Locator Topography”maps of the world2010.4 August, 2010
Tourist Destinations:
Some tourist destinations to be considered include the capital of West Jawa, Bandung. From the town of Bandung itself, it isn’t a long distance from the resorts at Lembang, the Boscha observatory and Tangkuban Perahu crater which you can reach by car all the way to the edge. What you will see is a sight of sulfur and it is even possible to visit 12 craters at close range with the aid of an experienced guide. A mere quarter of an hour from this site is a resort known as Crater hot springs resort. It specializes in pools of minerals which are good for the skin. Some of its other facilities includes a bar, restaurants, tennis courts and hotels in the style of cottages. The view from these cottages is of a lovely mountain landscape. Other interesting things to see while in Bandung include ‘Wayang Golek’, and to listen to an ‘angklung’ orchestra, and Sundanese gamelan and dances. Still in Bandung is the Mang Udjo Angklung Workshop. This workshop is only around 7km from Bandung in the village of Padasuka. The workshop here stages art performances with mountains, rice fields and plantations in the backdrop. Here, anklungs are also made and sold. They are kwon for their fines in tuning and the workmanship.
Petenggang Lake: On the east of the lake is a cool forest normally 10°C and is normally foggy during the day. In the north, there is a tea plantation that spreads all the way to the south and west of the lake.
Juanda Forest Park: This park, is a place for reaserch and recreation. There are indigenous or native plants here and well as those from over seas. Some places of interests here are the caves, which the Japenese dug in the cliffs during World War II. This site is also not very far from Bandung.
Maribaya: Another destination also close to Bandung is Maribaya which is just a 30 minute drive into the north. It is known for its hot water springs of sulphur in the cool mountain air. From up here, you can see a water fall of 25m high falling from a steep mountain cliff. The journey to reach Maribaya itself is also one filled with the lovely scenery of hills and villas.
Jatiluhur Dam: The tourist atractions of this dam include cottages, swimming pools, camping ground, speedboats and tennis courts. This dam was first built to generate power for this region. The dam, located halfway between Jakarta and Bandung, also helps in the irrigation of the land around it and is a place for fishing.
Bogor: This town is located quite close to Jakarta. The Dutch originally named it Buitenzorg, which means ‘without worries’. In this town, the Dutch Governer Gendral built his first palace which still stands to this day and is known as ‘Istana Bogor’. On the grounds which is part of the palace’s property, deer roam freely and old trees grow. The town of Bogor itself is famous for its Botanical Gardens which houses plants from all over the world and rare orchids. An example of these plants is the rubber tree from Brazil and the ‘Rafflesia’ flower which gives out a foul odor and is stemless and leafless. You can also visit the Presidential palace before mentioned as ‘Istana Bogor’ by the gardens with a permit. Another famous destination when visiting Bogor is Puncak, which is a mountain region. Here you will see beautiful scenes along the way and pass by a Presidential Palace in Cipanas that is smaller than the one in Bogor. Around the palace there is a garden full of flowers and colours. Something else to note is that you can reach Bandung from Puncak.
Taman Safari Indonesia: Taman Safari Indonesia is a unique zoo. It houses many animals, not only common ones, but also rare ones. Some of the animals found here are the anoa, rhinos, giraffes, bears from Europe, Asia and America, and also rare white tigers. This zoo also has recreational places inside it such as swimming pools, an artificial lake, a waterfall, a playground, merry-go-round, house of horrors and a circus arena. Inside the zoo, there are also restaurants, cafeterias and other facilities.
The places listed above are just some of the tourists destinations of West Jawa. There are so many other tourist attractions in this province. Some of the others are the Zoological Museum, Batu Tulis Clatureun, Cibodas Botanic Garden, Lido Water Recreational Center, Pangrango, Situ Gunung, Pelabuhan Ratu beach, Manuk island, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Naga village, Cirebon, Linggarjati, and Pengandaran.
Indonesia Expedition.“West Java”Indonesia Expidition2007.5 August, 2010